La Venus Cosmedical Wellness
We were super-excited to be chosen to work on a new cosmedical spa, located in Downtown West Palm Beach. The spa, which will take up the entire north side of the Prado building, will open its doors in October of 2021. We worked closely with the owner on the logo. She was very specific. She showed us a painting that she wanted to BE the logo. We hired illustrator, Blair Lucas to come up with something amazing … and she did. The end product was something the gods could be proud of.
Discover Bliss: Your Ultimate Spa Escape Awaits
Paragraph Text
Josefin Sans
Ut bibendum sapien sit amet luctus congue. Phasellus accumsan metus eros, sit amet sodales massa commodo id. In congue lorem hendrerit arcu facilisis, nec auctor nunc sollicitudin. Nunc fermentum odio vel venenatis posuere.

Pantone 871

Pantone 7455 C
Discover Bliss: Your Ultimate Spa Escape Awaits
Paragraph Text
Josefin Sans
Ut bibendum sapien sit amet luctus congue. Phasellus accumsan metus eros, sit amet sodales massa commodo id. In congue lorem hendrerit arcu facilisis, nec auctor nunc sollicitudin. Nunc fermentum odio vel venenatis posuere.
Sapien sit amet luctus congue. Phasellus accumsan metus eros, sit amet sodales massa commodo id. In congue lorem hendrerit arcu facilisis, nec auctor nunc sollicitudin. Nunc fermentum odio vel venenatis posuere.
We wanted to keep the brand simple and clean. We chose a spot color for the blue and a metallic gold ink. Those would be the only colors, besides photography, that would be used to build the brand.